“My vision has been to establish a Japanese heritage brand. Building legacy takes time, and I'm raising Milamore like my own child.”
George Root

Milamore was founded in 2019 by CEO and Creative Director George Inaki Root.
Root, who has Spanish-Filipino and Japanese descent and is now based in New York City, finds inspiration from his multicultural background and a passion for Japanese culture Root named the brand after his grandmother, Milagros, which means “miracle” in Spanish. The brand combines her name with the Italian word for “love” as a tribute to Milagros and the bond she nurtured with George.

George Root

Root's aesthetic balances bold and edgy elements with sophistication, creating androgynous pieces that celebrate colorful individuality. Root's design philosophy, rooted in the concept of wabi-sabi and yin-yang, emphasizes the beauty in imperfection and the importance of finding balance in life and being deeply connected with yourself. Through his art, Root takes us on a journey of self-discovery, reminding us to embrace the beauty that surrounds us, even in times of uncertainty.

Designed in New York and handcrafted in Japan, Milamore believes in breaking old values, and cultivating new standards.
We are committed to creating impeccable fine jewelry, without compromising on our core values – living boldly, respecting heritage and celebrating the very best craftsmanship that Japan has to offer.